Thursday, November 22, 2007


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! It started out at the Turkey Bowl. There were so many men there that they had to make six different teams and have playoffs. Oh course my mighty hunk and his team were they '07 Champions. It was a lot of fun to watch Chris play, I have to admit I was impressed. I think he learned a few of his moves from Madden 08!!! The X-Box actually paid off. Then we had Thanksgiving dinner with some friends. I gave Brandon an assortment of Thanksgiving treats but he enjoyed tossing each of them to the dog. Oh well we keep trying, one day he will get hungry enough. After that I was so tired but I had to come home and get things ready for a BBQ. It was delicious but now I am stuffed and I don't think I ever want to eat again. I am off to get some rest. Grandma Hess is flying in tomorrow and we are so excited to see her. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Check out my Slide Show!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Palace Theatre

We had such an exciting day yesterday. Last minute Chris got tickets for us to go to a Dean Martin, Liza Minelli, and Pasty Cline tribute show. It was wonderful. We were in this tiny private room with probably only 50 other people and the stage. The songs were all familiar, and even Brandon enjoyed them. He and I did have to go to the back of the room and dance for a bit but I didn't mind. As soon as Chris held him, he fell asleep. After the show we talked with the stars and got autographs. Then we had VIP tickets to Le Grande Cirque. We were right up front. The show was incredible. Chris really enjoyed the acrobats, and I was amazed by the costuming. I can't even begin to think of how many times one of us WOWED out load. It really was neat. During one of the set changes they chose Chris out of the audience to come on stage. The guy would do a funny dance move and then Chris would mock him. All who know Chris can only imagine how hilarious this was.
He truly stole the show. When we got home Brandon began cleaning out every cupboard and drawer in the house. What a helper.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

Day Trip

Can you believe that we have to drive an hour and a half to our stake center? We may as well be pioneers, that is a journey. Anyways, we decided to make the most of it and go to the State Fair early Saturday. There was so much fried food there I am pretty sure the fresh air was slowly turning to grease. Chris and I tried fried oreo's, fried twinkie's and and even a fried reeses peanut butter cup. Now that is an experience. We didn't let Brandon try them, but he did have his first turkey leg. I told the lady Chris was so excited to have a turkey leg and so she slipped him two and a wink. Hum. I took Brandon on his first carousel ride and Chris snapped pictures every time we came around. We went through a magic kingdom display and found out that mosquitoes are the most dangerous threat to human lives. As we walked in there was a huge snake just hanging from a tree we had to walk under. I was a little frightened but as I got closer I realized it was a very well done piece of art; no not real at all. Last but not least we played games. Of course we planned to win the biggest prize but walked away with a little floppy puppy. Good thing Chris can throw a ball in a small hole. By the way I found out that I can't. Brandon really likes the silly puppy his daddy won for him. He cuddled and kissed it the whole way home. By the end of the day we were so tired. B slept and Chris and I went to conference. It was a great little trip. Nice to get away.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

From There to Here (Slide Show)

We are blogging

Holy cow, thanks to Matt and Robyn we are in. Another step forward and closer to complete submission to computers. The office was kind of creepy this week as Michael held a kid hostage. The Patriots are unstoppable.