We took our kiddo's out to Capital Reef to go hiking and camping. It was a lot of fun. Boys are just meant to be outside. We decided that the best hike we could do was Capital Gorge. The boys were having a good time until it was time to hike back. Chris and I ended up carrying them most of the way in the heat. I thought if I stopped I really might die. There were some pioneers who carved their names in the mountains there and I just kept wondering if I really could have made it all the way to SLC. One mile hike was enough for me. Really it was beautiful and we enjoyed the time off. Capital Reef VC was neat too. They had a cute Junior Ranger program for Brandon (he got a new pin for his hat,) and they had a family fun backpack that had cute things in it to keep busy. Oh yeah I have to tell you one more thing. Brandon must have watched some show that had camping on it because he had these ideas in his head of what we needed to do- one of them was to tell spooky stories at night. Oh course Chris and I went along with it telling the least scary storied you can think of. I believe Chris's story had to do with ponies and butterflies- because my story was too scary. Poor Brandon was so scared he woke up in the morning still talking about it. HA Ha we could have told any story and it would have been scary at that moment.