I just wanted to update the pictures of Aaron. He has super bad baby acne. I tried to use my cool blemish eraser tool but it didn't really work. Oh well. I love his little smile!
Every Year Grandma Hess and Brandon build something out of gingerbread. This year they made a super cute train. Brandon had a blast decorating his little train. Thanks Grandma!
From the 7th row we could hear everything. Rafter seats will no longer do.
Check me out! I never catch anything at games. I think it is because I am to short.However, this was my lucky night and I snagged what I thought was a parachuting burrito. Luckily I was wrong- it was a shirt. To big for me but nevertheless my prize.
Just a little piece of the action. The Jazz lost but we had a great time anyways.
So I decided to put Aaron inside of a pumpkin and take his picture. He hated it! I tried to do it while he was asleep. The worst part was when he put his arms inside of the pumpkin. I had no idea how I was going to get him out. I couldn't just lift him by the head. I thought I would need to cut him out. Luckily I got his arms out and lifted him up very easily. Brandon was not to impressed by the slimy seeds. He got a spoon and tried to help that way but I couldn't get him to stick his hand back in the pumpkin. That's my best helper!
Aaron Michael Hess was born on October 22. He weighted in at a whopping 8 lbs. and was 22 inches long. Brandon was only 6 lbs. and 7 oz. Aaron is so long that we had to use one receiving blanket to cover his body and another to cover his toes that kept poking out. Having said that he is still tinier than you can imagine. He loves to snuggle (my fault)- I can barely put him down, he has lots and lots of black hair, and he has the cutest little dimple on his shoulder. We are so excited to have him in our home. So far everyone is just mesmerized. Even Brandon wakes up and the first thing he wants is to hold the baby. Happy Birthday Aaron!
Brandon spent the day with his Grandma Hess and they went to the ice cream shop. While there he decided he wanted to buy Baby Aaron some candy. Grandma talked him into a blanket instead. He was very proud to give his brother the gift. Now every time he needs to be changed Brandon finds the blanket to lay him on.
Here I am at the end of my pregnancy. I have gained 39 pounds and I feel like I am going to die. I can hardly roll off the bed at night. Fortunately there is an end in sight. Only one week left. As you can see my belly is larger than my HUGE pumpkin.
We went with our friends to Day Farms to pick a pumpkin. Brandon found his own pumpkin and was sure that it was the one he wanted. We all got HUGE pumpkins so we are going to have a great time carving them.
Can you tell what we were thinking about? Look at all of the new babies at the zoo. In an effort to start my labor we decided to spend the day walking at the zoo and it almost worked. I woke up this morning with terrible contractions. I really thought I was in labor. I couldn't eat, shower, or even sit in the bath. Chris got Brandon up and dressed just in time for the contractions to slow down. I was shocked- how do they just stop!!! I never felt contractions with Brandon so this is new for me. Hopefully next time they will be real.
I thought this was so funny. Brandon and I made a chocolate cake and he was so excited to lick the spoon and bowl. I took off his clothes to save them and it is a good thing I did. Here he is trying to clean himself off with a clorox wipe. Notice his backwards undies too. I CANNOT get him to wear them the right way. He wants the picture on the front. He has been accident free for two days now so I guess I can't complain. Just in time for new baby!
Chris decided it would be fun to catch our dinner at the fish farm in North Ogden. Brandon was having a great time feeding the fish when we finally hooked one. His reaction was not only hilarious but very unexpected. Need I remind any of you that this child is fearless. Make sure to watch them in order!
Here we are at the SLC bbq cook off. Brandon's favorite train was there and he had a great time climbing on the pigs. It was so hot that he decided to run through the fountain. I almost joined him. We got big plates of bbq for only $3. What a deal. Don't worry dad it didn't even compare to yours!
Brandon and I had a wonderful time with Grandma and Great-Grandma Hess at Dinosaur Park. It was really neat for him to see all of the dinosaur bones in the museum and then go out to the developed habitats on a dinosaur hunt. When we got to the t-rex I told him the dinosaur liked his spikey hair because he had spike too. Brandon was worried t-rex was going to eat his hair. That is why he has his hand over his head. He really liked the baby dinosaurs too. He would say hello and then look for the mommy and daddy. What a great afternoon activity.