Sunday, January 17, 2010


We tried to have Aaron blessed at least three times but schedules, family emergences, and weather all seemed to keep getting in the way. Finally I decided to do it while we were in Oklahoma. As you can see Aaron is not in white. I brought his little outfit but it was about four month sizes to small! We couldn't get it buttoned. So he looked very handsome in his regular church clothes. It was really neat to have my husband, my dad and many of my uncles standing in the circle. Chris gave Aaron a beautiful blessing and I am so glad we finally got it done.


Robyn Maughan said...

Oh good! I am glad you got to do it in Oklahoma. Aaron is getting so big. He is looking more like B I think. I had no idea about the Vegas Bowl. How cool is that! We really do need to play soon. It's always us that prevents it from happening. We will figure out something soon.

Cyndi and Alyssa said...

Your parents haven't aged a bit!