Monday, April 12, 2010

Another Day Out

In between snow storms STILL, we had a couple nice days. We decided to take the boys to our local park and have a picnic. Brandon is getting so big. I am surprised at all of the things he can do. His climbing skills have certainly gotten better. One thing he was scared of was the tunnel slide. I guess it was a little to dark. Finally, I climbed up and went down with him. He was so proud and ran right back around to do it again. I was proud that after two children I can still fit down the tunnel slide; so it was a success for us both. As you can see Aaron got his first park ouchy. The worst part is that I know he loves the park so I woke him up to play. What a way to wake up.


Robyn Maughan said...

Bring on the spring! Way to go B! Luke is a little cautious himself of the slides. In that first picture, Brandon looks sooo grown up. Cute!

Stefanie Sayre said...

you are so tiny you will always fit in a tunnel slide. ha ha ha! you are such a fun mom, i can't wait till josie is big enough to do that kind of stuff.