Sunday, November 7, 2010

Last day of fall

We were leaving church today and Brandon started throwing leaves all around. Aaron thought it was hilarious. He was laughing so hard and we were laughing at him. It was so nice out we just let them play. Chris told me this was going to be the last nice day of this year and I was totally bummed out. I hope he is wrong. We have a video too. It his on our phone but I will try and figure out how to get it on the computer. You may also wonder why Brandon is not in any pictures- well he moves to fast. Sometimes I think it would just ruin his fun if I made him hold still and pose for me. Oh well.


Kevin and Amber said...

Aaron is not scary at all. He is very very cute :)

Brooke said...

I love all of the fall leaves. I am jealous that you get to have a beautiful fall where all of the leaves actually change colors and fall. Our trees have leaves one day and then the next day they don't. We don't get to see all of the colors change. Aaron looks so cute in his little man get up. He is so handsome. What a perfect day to take pictures!

Natalie said...

OH, you got good pictures. My plan was to go out that afternoon... but I was lazy and just slept all day long after church, but my girls did the same thing, they thought the leaves were so cool, I am sad I just didn't have my camera on me:(
But those are so so so cute.

Stefanie Sayre said...

super cute! I know it was a beautiful warm weekend. I think Chris was right we have snow now!

BMK3 said...

So cute! LOVE his cute little outfit!