Saturday, April 10, 2010

Brandon and Aaron's room

We decided it was time to get Brandon out of his toddler bed and into a big boy bed. I took him to pick out bedding knowing that I would have to settle for something like Toy Story or Spiderman. Fortunatly he is super into Diego right now and we could not find it anywhere. He finally found this lion rug at Kohl's he really wanted. I guess because there are animals on Diego it was close enough. I had no idea what the bedding looked like but it really didn't matter. He was getting the rug. So, I grabbed the twin bedding and we took it home. I could not have picked a better set. It matches perfectly with Aaron's bed and it is super cute. The quality is way better than the character sets and bonus it was on sale. Great choice Brandon! I want to get a few more pics for the long wall but here is the room as of now.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

I love it! I wish I could see it in real life. One day...hopefully soon!