Thursday, June 2, 2011

Brandon's Preschool Graduation

Uncle Tyler and Brandon.
Mom and Dad are so proud of you Brandon!
Miss Sanah and Brandon.
Brandon and his best teacher Miss Brooke.
Grandma that names him Brandon and Grandma that names him Monkey.
B with two of his buddies.
After party- How do you like Aaron double fistin' it? Yummy!
Maybe one more year of pre-school and he can figure this thing out.
He held onto this trophy for two days- didn't put it down at all. He was so proud!
Little cutie singing about shapes.
Brandon knows all of the days of the week and months of the year.
Brandon's teacher says he is always happy, he catches onto concepts with very little help, he likes to be a helper, he always comes in and shows everyone his t-shirt, he is the class superhero, and he likes to socialize!

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