Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Here is another one of our favorite adventures- The Stratosphere. We took our kids to the top of the building and it was so funny to see their differences. Aaron was practically laying on the window- fearless. You can see me trying to coax Brandon to just look out the window. He was so scared. We left him alone and finally when we were outside with the big fences he went and looked out. I think the pic of Chris and his mini-me is so funny too. That was not dome purposely. Oh yeah and check out this ride. Chris talked his Grandma into going on it with him. It shoots you over the edge of the building, drops you down, and then pulls you back. She had to go back to the room after she rode it but what a champ huh! Late that night Chris and I snuck out and went up to ride all of the rides. When I rode this one I was shaking so bad at the end to guy had to help me out and then my legs were trembling and I didn't think I could walk off the ride. I had tears coming out of my eyes. I was terrified- I guess Grandma did better than I did. We went up and rode the ride on the peak after that. It slings you up and then drops you down. It was pretty neat we could see really far out. Finally we rode these swings that take you over the edge and then start spinning and flip you up so you are looking down at the ground that was pretty cool too. Great fun- never wanna do it again.

1 comment:

Sam said...

I love the glasses! Hope they are working out for you guys. Maddie has gotten so much better with hers, I think she now understands that they actually HELP her see :)