After having the flu run through our entire family, including myself I am pretty drained. I noticed yesterday that along with the aches and pains of this terrible virus Aaron is also getting his incisor teeth. So, you can imagine that he is still crying. I have tried everything but the little guy is so persistent. Finally I decided to turn on a CD (mostly for my sanity), I picked the little guy up and he tucked right into me. As I was spinning him around the floor watching his tiny eyes get droopy I hoped that when my life was over and I traveled through its precious moments I would be able to stand and watch this quiet moment. Then I remembered the story of a night when I was a tiny crying baby, probably much like Aaron, and my daddy danced me to sleep. I laughed a little and thought isn't it funny how things really don't change from one generation to the next. One day little Aaron will be dancing his tiny baby to sleep too. I am so grateful for such wonderful parents who taught me to be a mother. As a went to lay my tiny guy down I noticed that he had been holding a Reese's candy which was now entirely melted all over his hand and the sleeve my new shirt. I guess we will start all over.
I hate when kids are sick.. it's miserable! Hope things start looking up for you all =)
It's a goodreminder. Thanks for sharing that tender moment
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