Friday, March 23, 2012

Arches National Park

Adventure is out there
The best ride in the park
Climbing the mountain with Grandma Monkey
Notice the rock in the background... we renamed it Preggo Rock
I just love this one
Dad carrying Aaron and the dumaputer
Haha so funny... Aaron loved these silly phones
Aaron in his favorite spot making rock cupcakes
Our sweet Brandon
Aaron just a few steps behind... the computer was slowing him down
Our little family
Working on his junior ranger book
Do you wonder why their grandma calls them monkeys?
Here comes trouble

We were SOOOO lucky to get Chris's mom to come down and go to the park with us. It was a perfect day- warm in the sun cool in the shade. We had a lot of fun going on hikes, admiring the beautiful scenery, and being together. The boys had fun doing the junior ranger program and earned another special badge. Boys are just meant to be outside! I am always amazed at how much fun a stick and some rocks can be. Aaron has become extra funny now that he can talk pretty clearly. As I said it was cool in the shade. On a few hikes we got down in between two tall rock walls and the temperature really dropped. Aaron refused to wear his sweater and so we were walking along and we hear his little voice say, "I cold someone turn on the heater." Another one of Aaron's not so funnies came thanks to his dad. He got this little computer for the car on our way to Oklahoma for Christmas and it has become his car toy now. When we got out of the car he would not leave it. Chris and I knew we would end up carrying the thing so Chris took it and said, " Aaron leave your dumb computer in the car." Oops. Aaron started sobbing, my dumaputer, my dumaputer. To this day it is still the dumb computer or dumaputer, and yes he did decide he would leave it on a rock about half way up and Chris did end up carting the dumaputer. Brandon really liked the tiny holes in the ground. Luckily we warned him right before he shoved his stick in one. Who knows what would have popped out- we may have been running from snakes. As you can see I am quite pregnant. We were walking out of the visitors center and a lady must have thought I could not hear her. She made some comment about how I reminded her of what it felt like when she was pregnant with her twins. Thank you dear soul I know I am huge!!! Ha ha things to make us laugh I guess. I am really grateful we live so close to so many beautiful places and for the wonderful family I have to make these memories with.    

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