Friday, March 23, 2012

WORST Day of Fun eVeR!!!

So we have had a lot of family time since Chris got hurt and has not been able to work. Chris is not the kind of guy who can just sit around so we often find ourselves going on little outings of fun. Most are a success and we are glad we took the time, however this day did not quite measure up. I first must tell you that Chris was up all night planning what he wanted to do to make an extra special day for the boys. As soon as he decided on the toy train show we were ready for anything. Had it been a great day our kids may have come home with a whole new train mountain! We were also excited at the idea that Thomas the Train was going to be there and knew this would be a hit for our kids. Reality- This picture by the sign was the best part (before we walked in the door). Everything was either to high for kids or roped off. If you have kids you know ropes do not stop a determined two year old. It is possible that a few old men went home with broken treasures. We waited in line for nearly two hours to ride on what you can see is not really what we imagined Thomas to be- Aaron fighting and screaming the entire time. The best part was a giant pit of tracks where about 300 kids were playing. I should mention that about twenty-four hours later both of my kids had fever and throw-up. Chris and I walked out laughing so hard- it really could not have been worse. We wanted to warn happy people who were skipping and running inside with the anticipation and excitement we once had. What can I say some days are just a dud! Next year when the toy train show rolls around I think we will stay home and take turns hitting each other in the face.

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